Disinfection and Sanitization for Schools and Nurseries

Protect your school from viruses with Safe Shield®

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Disinfection and Sanitization for Schools and Nurseries Protect your school from viruses with Safe Shield®

Cleanliness and safety are essential for any school or nursery! Help foster a safe learning environment by sanitizing and disinfecting your school.

School & Nursery Cleaning and Disinfection Services In Dubai

Safe and Sanitary Learning Environments are a must for children

Children spend a huge portion of their day at school, almost as much as they spend at home. For this reason, it's important to treat their school or nursery as their second home. Professional sanitization and cleaning services are essential to maintaining a safe home environment, and it should also be considered a must to ensure the same level of attention to health and safety is applied to your school.

Children's play areas can very easily become home to diseases and harmful bacteria, and unclean classrooms can even exasperate asthma symptoms and allergy triggers in children. It's vital to have your premises disinfected and sanitized by professional cleaning companies in order to guarantee that the children can learn, play and grow in a safe and welcoming environment.

The Healthy Home® provides careful and thorough nursery and classroom cleaning services in the UAE. We know the importance of safeguarding a child's environment, and for this reason, we only use the finest eco-friendly cleaning products and follow strict cleaning and sanitization guidelines.

Why a complete disinfection and sanitization service is necessary for schools

Regular cleaning services can and will make your environment look cleaner, and they might certainly reduce the number of germs and bacteria in your school. However, they do not offer complete elimination of harmful germs, only reducing their numbers somewhat. On top of that, the use of disinfectants and cleaning chemicals that are not eco-friendly might sometimes increase the irritants and allergy triggers rather than reduce them.

It is a much safer and ideal option to instead opt for a full sanitization and disinfection service from a professional cleaning company like The Healthy Home®. We are dependable and experienced and have helped improve the environmental quality of several schools and nurseries across the Middle East.

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800 72648493