Premium Mold Toxicity Test 2
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Mold Illness and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)

Are you experiencing health symptoms that can't be explained? Perhaps you've had countless tests done, but everything always comes back all ‘normal’. Do supplements, diets, or medication never seem to work? It is a story we’ve heard countless times before! If this sounds like you, you may be suffering from Mold Illness, otherwise called Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.

Mold is a common household nuisance caused by various factors, such as constant humidity, unclean furniture, and dirty air conditioning systems. Mold is often responsible for exposing your home to poor indoor air quality.

But did you know that mold spores and mycotoxins can make you chronically sick? 22% of the global population has genetics which means they would become chronically sick following mold exposure, specifically a defect in the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) gene.

Understanding the gravity of mold exposure and its implications is vital. At The Healthy Home®, we have partnered with medical experts to offer accurate mold toxicity tests designed to identify the presence of mold in your body swiftly and accurately.

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Its time to re-define Mold Illness

Mold Illness is a real illness that can seem overwhelming and has destroyed lives. If your blood tests have come back 'all fine' or countless medications are still not the answer to getting well, it's time to get to the root cause.

of the global population has a genetic predisposition that would make them chronically sick to mold exposure.
of urine samples analyzed from 112 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients showed presence of at least one mycotoxin
of homes have been water-damaged and will be colonised by some form of mold.
77 - 94%
of the adverse effects of biological aging are related to lifestyle and epigenetic markers

What does Mold Illness and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) look like?

Signs you have mold in your body

Respiratory issues


Skin irritation


What are the symptoms of Mold Illness and CIRS?


Example of Mold Illness test

Is Mold Illness treatable?

Our seamless process for testing mold in your body



Assessment Report

1-1 Consulatation

About our verified Mold Illness expert Jessica Alana

How can Jessica help you?

Functional Medicine Lab Tests

1-1 Consultations

Peptide Therapy and Optimisation


How accurate are the tests for mold in your body?

How long can mold stay in your body?

Can Mold Illness be cured?

Can mold affect my mental health?

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