The Healthy Home® provides the best surface disinfection and cleaning service in the UAE. Keep your home safe and protected against viruses and bacteria!
In any indoor environment, surfaces are naturally prone to accumulate dust, dirt, and bacteria over time. These surfaces become littered with microbes and viruses, making regular cleaning and disinfection an absolute necessity. While store-bought disinfectants may seem like a convenient solution, they are often not completely effective in eradicating germs and bacteria from your home. At The Healthy Home®, we offer eco-friendly surface disinfection and sanitization services. Not only do we use safe, environmentally friendly products, but we also employ a unique disinfectant solution that continues to protect your home's surfaces for up to a month after the treatment is done. This formula creates a protective barrier that can eliminate germs on contact for 30 days, ensuring your indoor environment remains safe and healthy. Our surface disinfection includes tailored services for diverse indoor spaces including treatments like home disinfection, office sanitization, school sanitization, and gym disinfection.