Tap Water Saudi Arabia

Can I drink the tap water in Riyadh?

Exploring the purity of tap water in Riyadh and how cleaning your water tank helps

Saudi Arabia, a land of majestic deserts and vibrant cities, beckons both residents and travelers with its unique charm. Amidst the allure of this Middle Eastern kingdom, one question often arises: "Can I drink the tap water in Riyadh?" In this comprehensive guide to healthy living, we unravel the mysteries surrounding tap water in this remarkable nation, addressing where it originates, common challenges it faces, and the best strategies to ensure your well-being while enjoying the Kingdom's hospitality.

Clean water is the essence of life, and understanding its quality and availability is paramount. Saudi Arabia stands as the world's largest producer of desalinated water, utilizing advanced technology to convert seawater into a vital resource. Yet, as we delve into the intricacies of Saudi Arabia's water supply, you'll discover that the journey from source to tap is not without its unique characteristics and challenges.

So, whether you're a resident seeking clarity on your daily hydration or a traveler preparing to explore the rich heritage of Riyadh, join us on this journey as we quench your thirst for knowledge and explore the intriguing world of tap water in Saudi Arabia. Can you trust it? Is it truly safe for your health and well-being? Does cleaning the water tank help? Let's find out.

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Where does tap water in Riyadh originate?

Saudi Arabia, a country known for its vast deserts, relies heavily on desalinated water. Approximately 50% (some sources claim 70%) of its drinking clean water is sourced from desalination, while 40% is obtained from non-renewable groundwater mining. Only 10% of the water supply comes from surface water in the mountainous southwest region. Riyadh, the capital city, receives its water supply from desalinated water pumped 467 kilometers from the Persian Gulf, and residential users enjoy almost free access.

The Saline Water Conversion Corporation is responsible for treating seawater in Saudi Arabia. Through chemical processes, desalinated water is enriched with specific minerals, making it safe for consumption. However, the main challenges arise from the maintenance of temporary storage tanks and deteriorating piping systems.

Another concern is the continuous water supply. While there have been improvements, many areas still face issues with inconsistent service and inadequate water pressure. In some locations, groundwater used for drinking water supply naturally contains excessive levels of fluoride.

Can I drink tap water in Riyadh?

In theory, tap water in Saudi Arabia is safe to drink. According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, 99% of Saudi cities, towns, and rural areas have access to improved clean water sources available when needed.

However, several factors complicate the situation:


The taste of tap water in Riyadh can be a contentious issue due to the desalination process, which sometimes imparts an unusual flavor. However, improving the taste of the entire water supply isn't cost-effective, as only a fraction is consumed for drinking. It's crucial to remember that taste alone doesn't reflect water safety, as preferences vary widely among individuals. Over time, some people even acquire a taste for tap water.


Perception of tap water quality is influenced by taste concerns and widespread myths. Many residents perceive tap water as contaminated and unsafe, despite its actual safety. To address this, the government should engage in clear communication and awareness campaigns, transparently reporting water quality parameters. Water filters also offer households peace of mind, ensuring consistently safe water.

Water Tanks and Pipes - Cleaning Water Tank:

Water tank cleaning and pipe disinfection are vital in Riyadh, especially in older buildings where issues like corrosion, sediment accumulation, and biofilm growth can jeopardize water quality. Regular cleaning of water tanks is essential to prevent these problems and ensure safe, clean water. Pairing tank cleaning with point-of-use water filters adds an extra layer of assurance, guaranteeing a consistently safe water supply and promoting healthier living in Saudi Arabia.

Bottled water in Saudi Arabia

Despite the safety of tap water, the demand for bottled water is on the rise. In 2015, Saudi Arabia ranked 12th globally in per capita bottled water consumption, with an average of 92.3 liters per capita annually. However, bottled water isn't necessarily safer or healthier than tap water.

Studies have shown that tap water quality is similar or even superior to bottled water. In a comparison with five years of continuous tap water monitoring data, no significant differences were found. Bacteriological tests remained consistently negative for tap water.

Surprisingly, the quality of bottled water sometimes fell short, with samples showing elevated levels of nitrate, sodium, and minerals beyond legal limits. While most samples met GSO standards, some did not, particularly in pH values, total dissolved solids (TDS), sulfate (SO4), and fluoride levels. Greater transparency about water source and fluoride concentration is needed on bottled water labels.

In conclusion, while tap water in Riyadh is generally safe to drink, the taste and perception issues persist. The best way to ensure consistently safe and great-tasting clean water is by investing in a quality water filter and by cleaning your water tank regularly, This will help in providing you peace of mind and healthy living in this vibrant country.

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