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لحياة صحية ونقيية

نوم أفضل

تنفس أسهل

تحسين مستويات الطاقة

بيئة خالية من البكتيريا/ الفيروسات


How do I avail the discount as an Emirates NBD cardholder?

Do I need to use a promo code to get the discount?

Is the discount applicable on multiple services in a single booking?

How long is this offer valid for?

Is the discount applicable on all services offered by The Healthy Home?

Can I combine this offer with other ongoing promotions or discounts?

Is there a minimum or maximum purchase amount required to avail the discount?

Is there a limit to how many times I can use this offer during the validity period?

Our Services

®Pure Water لتنظيف خزانات المياه

®Pure Living لتنظيف الكنب

®Pure Living لتنظيف السجاد

®SPC Program لمكافحة الحشرات

®Pure Air لتنظيف المكيفات ومجاري الهواء

®Pure Sleep لتنظيف المفروشات

تسوق ازرع شجرة التواصل معنا

لحياة صحية ونقيية

  • نوم أفضل

  • تنفس أسهل

  • تحسين مستويات الطاقة

  • بيئة خالية من البكتيريا/ الفيروسات


How do I avail the discount as an Emirates NBD cardholder?


Do I need to use a promo code to get the discount?


Is the discount applicable on multiple services in a single booking?


How long is this offer valid for?


Is the discount applicable on all services offered by The Healthy Home?


Can I combine this offer with other ongoing promotions or discounts?


Is there a minimum or maximum purchase amount required to avail the discount?


Is there a limit to how many times I can use this offer during the validity period?


Our Services

What clients say about our services

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