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Is Your Child’s Nursery Ready for Back To School Season?

Is your child's nursery prepared for back-to-school season?

With the new school year right around the corner, we should ask ourselves how much and what are schools and nurseries doing to ensure children’s safety.

As a parent, you have a wealth of worries when it comes to your child, and the existing climate in climate in the UAE doesn’t always make it easy. Aside from the usual worries, the air quality outside is often below recommended safety standards, and the humidity coupled with the dusty weather means that children are especially vulnerable to respiratory illnesses and allergy triggers. 

You may already be doing everything in your power to keep your home safe for your children, but now is a good time to ask the right questions when it comes to the level of safety and cleanliness at your child’s nursery. Is the indoor air quality suitable for young children? Are the surfaces sanitized and clean? Are the water tanks clean and are the premises pest-free?

Many nurseries in Dubai are taking measures to make sure that their premises are safe by employing regular cleaning. However, regular cleaning on its own might not be enough and sometimes even then the frequency of this cleaning is too low. Playgrounds, play areas and children’s toys are hotbeds for germs, and when not properly cleaned, make playtime a problem. If you’ve ever had your kids come back home with sniffles from allergies, then you likely already know that many child sicknesses are contracted while they are learning or playing at school.

It’s important for schools and nurseries to make sure that their classrooms and play areas are deep cleaned and sanitized before the school year begins. Thorough disinfection of surfaces and areas that children are likely to touch is vital to keep the area safe and germ-free.

The nursery should also ensure that their AC ducts are free of dust, as that is one of the biggest causes of breathing problems and irritation in children in the UAE. Good indoor air quality quality helps keep child asthma and allergy triggers at bay. When you come to the realization that we breathe 11,000 liters of air, most of which in indoor surroundings, keeping our air quality safe is essential. This fact becomes more concerning when we understand that developing children are most at threat. Additionally, incoming dust attracts dust mites, which can leave painful bites! Thankfully, AC duct cleaning can help get rid of this issue.

This also goes without saying, but some areas in the UAE can experience cockroach or mosquito problems quite frequently as well, meaning that pest control services are often a must! Depending on the location of the nursery, you may want to check if there are any pest issues that they may be dealing with. Some places will ignore small infestations, and only employ pest control in Dubai when the issue gets out of hand in an effort to cut costs. Make sure your nursery is completely pest free, and if not, urge them to employ professional pest control services before the semester starts.

Another often overlooked element of safety is making sure that the water supply is safe and sanitary. A nursery that does not have well-maintained and regularly cleaned water tanks is a major red flag! A clean water tank means fewer issues to sensitive skin whenever a child uses the bathroom or washes their hands in the sink. Professional water tank cleaning companies in the UAE are capable of fully sanitizing and cleaning a water tank to ensure that the water is suitable and safe for children.

It might seem like there’s very little you can do to combat the risks of an unsafe nursery short of transferring your child to another one, but in reality, you hold a lot of leverage as a parent. You should be able to ask about what is currently being done to safeguard your child’s health at the nursery, and you also have the right to request that they do more, should you find their current efforts to not be enough. It all starts with asking the right questions and staying informed. Make sure that the nursery your child goes to keeps their ac ducts clean while regularly cleaning their water tanks, and all their surfaces sanitized.

A safe school semester starts with a healthy and safe environment. 

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