sanitization services, disinfection services
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School, Nursery & Play Area Treatments

Why It's Important to Have Schools & Nurseries Deep-cleaned

A survey indicated that parents are most worried about their children catching a cold or a virus from their nursery or school. We, at the Healthy Home®, have a mission of keeping children’s environments clean and eliminating airborne contaminants and common contagious bacteria using our latest technology with surface sanitization and AC cleaning. We offer certified sanitization solutions that ensure safe and high hygienic standards are maintained in nurseries, and schools in order to create a healthier and safer education.

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Unlike other deep-cleaning service providers in the UAE, the services The Healthy Home provides are completely organic and eco-friendly, which is obviously better for the environment as a whole, but this also means that the children at the nurseries and schools are not exposed to any harmful fumes. This would give the parents of the students the peace of mind as well because they would know that it's completely safe to send their children to the learning center after a sanitization and disinfection treatment.

Benefits Of Our Schools And Nursery Deep Cleaning And Sanitization Services

  • Asthma & Allergy-friendly Certified

  • Promote Holistic Well Being

  • Reduce Cross Contamination

  • Parents’ Peace of Mind

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